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Portage Lake Association
Portage Lake Association
Portage Lake Association
Portage Lake Association
Portage Lake Association
[ Approximately 17,ooo Visitors Annually ]
1. Herkelrath Farm, 11300 Herkelrath Road
2. Pierport, surrounding Thirteen Mile, Lakeview and Burtker Roads
3. Old Faceful, southwest corner of Thirteen Mile and Lakeview Roads
4. Perry Residence, 3015 Thirteen Mile Road
5. Schaefer Dwelling, southwest corner of Thirteen Mile and Burtker Roads
6. Former Pierport School, southwest corner of Thirteen Mile and Burtker Roads
7. Ellis - Burtker House, 12547 Burtker Road
8. Schafer Farm, 3184 Thirteen Mile Road
9. Mallison Farm, 4735 Thirteen Mile Road
10. Bertelson Cemetery, north of 11409 Edman Road on the east side
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