Portage Lake Association
[ Approximately 17,ooo Visitors Annually ]
President: Roz Jaffe
Email rozjaf@icloud.com
Phone: 231-655-3006
Past President: Al Taylor
Email windsongmi@aol.com
Phone: (231) 889-0205
Vice President:
Treasurer: Evie McNeil
Secretary: Mary Jo McElroy
Email maryjomcelroy@sbcglobal.net​
Phone: 614-325-1717
Carey Stark
Membership Chair
Kathy Loynes
Secretary: Jean Capper
Email jmcmom@aol.com​
Phone: 773-497-5766
Diane Wemlinger​
​Susan Halloran
Email snhalloran1@ahoo.com
Phone: 517-881-7222​
David Maylen
Email davidmm3@icloud.com
Phone: 248-797-3617
Mark Miller
Joe Suchocki
Concerts in the Park
Chair: Brian Devilling
Phone: 773-701-1832
Email bdevilling@fgppr.com
​Christmas in Onekama
Chair: Theresa Gimple
Celebration of Lights:
Chair: Kathy Loynes
Christmas Lights & Banners
Committee Chair: Justin Sedelmaier
Email j_sedelmaier@yahoo.com
Phone: 760-927-5740
​Fall Festival
Chair: Susie Halloran
Email: snhalloran1@yahoo.com
Phone: 517-881-7222​
Crafts: Nikki Schneider
Phone: 312 909-0115
Email: nikki@yachtwatermark.com
​Committee Chair: Faye Backie
Phone: 517-281-2011
Near & Farr Friends
​Chair: Mary Fairgrieve
Phone: 231-889-7555
Email: marycfairgrieve@gmail.com
​​Newsletter Editor
​Chair: Jean Capper
Phone: 773-497-5766
Email: jmcmom@aol.com
Petunia Parade
Chair: Mary Jo McElroy
Phone: 614-325-1717
Email: maryjomcelroy@sbcglobal.net
Onekama Days
​Chair: Al Taylor
Phone: 231-889-0205
Email: windsongmi@aol.com
Pig Out for OCS Chair: Mary Jo McElroy
Phone: 614-325-1717
Email: maryjomcelroy@sbcglobal.net
Pig Out for OCS CoChair: Nikki Schneider
Beer Tasting: Carrie & Greg Cassagnola
Fireworks Chair: Paul Mueller
Phone: 231-889-5870
Email: jane-paul@sbcglobal.net
Car Show Chair: Mary Jo McElroy
Phone: 614-325-1717
Email: maryjomcelroy@sbcglobal.net
Craft Show Chair: Nikki Schneider
Phone: 312 909-0115
Email: nikki@yachtwatermark.com
Scholarships, School Projects
​Committee Chair: David Maylen
Phone: 248-797-3617
Website, Facebook Publicity
​Committee Chair: Al Taylor
Phone: 231-889-0205
Chair: Diane Wemlinger
Portage Lake Association
2024 Board of Directors